Day of the Week
Restarting Tuesday 5th October
Tuesday (September – April)
7:00-8:15 Explorer section
7:00-9:00 Company section
Age Groups
Ages 4 to 19
Our Girls’ Brigade company has a brilliant opportunity to reach girls at Ballycraigy and in the wider community. We have approximately 40 girls who meet every Tuesday night and enjoy connecting with others in their sections, and discovering what’s at the heart of our organisation – learning to seek, serve and follow Christ.
Every week is different; whether it be a uni-hoc night, a Dominos pizza supper, a onesie party or a bake off! Our girls also complete badges in physical activity, Scripture, educational badge and service badge and have great fun doing so! Some of our older girls even go on to complete sub-officer and officer training and come back as leaders!
We’d love for you to come and see what Girls’ Brigade is all about and join in the fun on Tuesday nights!
Please contact Captain Heather Smyth on 02890 835493 for more information.