Day of the Week
Thursday (September-April)
Anchor & Junior Sections 6:45-8:15pm (alternate weeks)
Company Section 7:00-9:00pm (alternate weeks)
Anchor Boys: Ages 4-8
Junior Section: Ages 9-11
Company Section: Ages 11-18
1st Ballycraigy Boys Brigade was founded in 1941. Known as the 98th Company of the Boys Brigade Belfast Battalion, until 1945 when it became 1st Ballycraigy Boys Brigade. This is our 80th year.
The Object of the Boys’ Brigade is:
“The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”
Our Motto and Emblem is:
“Sure & Steadfast” – This is taken from Hebrews ch6v19.
- The Anchor Boys enjoy crafts, Bible stories, fun and games.
- The Junior Section enjoy crafts, Bible stories, badge work, drill and fun games.
- The Company Section enjoy box work, Bible study, badge work, camp, drill and competitive games.
Please contact Glenn Goodman at for more information.